If you cant collaborate than this project would be impossible because when you have four or five people working on one small area of a wall you have to be able to work what your doing in with what the other people are doing or you will mess up majorly.
I think this project could have gone better if we would've had more time and also the fact of being short on people for 3 days it didn't go as planned. I really think it could of turned out a lot better but atleast it didnt turn out bad and also what we did on paper was hard to do on brick because you have to work with the groute in the middle of the bricks which just made it look worse especially the loopty loop lollipops.
I think it was cool to make a picture that you interact with and I've seen a few people around school get into positions infront of the murals and it just makes you feel good someone appreciates your art. I also think its a big challenge because your making a two dimensional surface interact with a three dimensional object or person. This was also hard because for them to interact with it the item has to be hidden by boddy parts like if you tried a glove it wouldn't work because it has to be infront of the hand or around it.
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