
Friday, December 7, 2012

Anamorphosis Drawing

I think this was one of the coolest drawing's we've done so far. The process we did to get it look 3D is we took a normal picture of our object, in my case a classic coca-cola glass, and put it in photoshop. From there we transformed it, scaled it and then put a grid on the paper after we printed it. From there we drew the exact same grid on a clean sheat in our sketch books and copied over each little section so we drew it pretty close to the right size. The reason we took it into photoshop was to stretch to top of the picture so at a certain angle, where the top was farther away in the image, it would look like its standing up. Some of the most important things in the anamorphosis drawing was to get the size right, add value and shadows, and to get the right perspective in the camera shot. If all these are done correctly you end up with a really good looking 3D object on paper.

Famous Landmark Stencil

The Famous Landmark Stencil was a pretty easy project. What we had to do to start was go into photoshop with a picture then change it to a postive/negative picture, which makes it black and white(Threshold). When we were making the collage for the stencil to go on; I used a mix of light,dark, colorful and some things that represented the Olympic's because they 2012 Olympic games were held in London, England, which is also where my picture was taken. What I did with my stencil was i but out all the black space, which looking at it finished i should of done it the other way because it looks like there too much background (negative space) and it drowns out the look of the bridge, it doesnt pop out as much as it would have. To make our stencils we had to trace the image onto paper from a projecter, which didn't take long, then we had to cut it out with a tool called an xacto knife. To use this you basically just cut along the places you traced and pull it out, the cutting was actually really time consuming because what would happen was you would cut something and it would'nt be cut all the way through and i had to pull it out or cut it again. The spray painting was the easiest step by far and the least challenging. To spray paint it we just had to position our stencil on the collage and spray around it and all the details. The color choice I used was a white covered by black to give it the effect of fading, this can be make it pop out more and look much nicer if you do it correctly.